What is the Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety? What to do, what not to do when you are worried?

What is the Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety What to do, what not to do when you are worried

Anxiety is a condition in which a person feels fear, discomfort, and discomfort. Due to which the person may experience sweating, restlessness, and high heart rate. These physical symptoms are a normal reaction to anxiety or stress. You experience anxiety in certain situations, such as difficulty in doing some office work, before an exam, or before making an important decision. Anxiety can also prove to be helpful for you at times.

Anxiety can boost energy or can also help you focus. But some people suffer from an anxiety disorder, anxiety and fear are not temporary and can last for a long time. An anxiety disorder is a condition in which anxiety does not go away, but increases. This situation can also spoil your job performance, schoolwork, and relationships.

What is the concern according to Ayurveda? (What is Anxiety according to Ayurveda?) In

Ayurveda is called Chittodevage. From the viewpoint of Ayurveda, anxiety is a dosha imbalance. In which additional Vata accumulates in the nervous system. Vata has been considered a dynamic element in Ayurveda. Chittodaveg is a psychological and physical condition.

According to Ayurveda, old age and anxiety have no special relation. It is equally common among the youth. However, generalized anxiety disorder is a prevalent disorder in older people. Some special health conditions arise with age. Including depression, dementia, and fear. Read further to know the Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety.


What are the symptoms of anxiety according to Ayurveda? (Symptoms of Anxiety)

Spending too much mental energy for unknown future results is called anxiety. When anxiety starts to weigh on your life, it is no longer normal. If your actions and feelings are causing pain and suffering, then this is not at all normal.

If stress occurs to a person, it affects him both physically and mentally. For example, it has a direct impact on your emotional and thinking ability and physical health, which can also affect your relationship. Everyone has different behavior and ability to think. So it affects everyone differently.

Its symptoms are also different. It is, therefore, necessary to discuss this with your doctor, as this is an important subject. Stress can change the shape of your life.

Symptoms of anxiety, according to Ayurveda are following -

  • nausea,

  • pain chest

  • suffered breathing

  • diarrhea

  • have shudder

  • dry mouth

  • Abdominal pen

  • headache

  • yellow fall skin

  • shiver

  • changes in the shape ofpupilElongation of the eyeball ()

stress the emotional symptoms (Emotional symptoms of stress): If you are under stress, then you may see symptoms like losing your temper easily, getting frustrated, crying on something quickly, getting angry. You will find yourself in an environment where you will feel lonely. You will also hesitate to talk to anyone and would like to avoid others.

Physical symptoms of stress: Stress directly affects our body. Many symptoms cause body diseases due to stress such as headache, backache, diarrhea, constipation, chest pain, muscle aches, rapid heartbeat, weak immunity, lack of sleep, frequent colds Colds, lack of interest, or lack of ability to build a physical relationship, nervousness and shivering, teeth grinding are included. In such a situation, a person suffering from stress is not able to do any work in an efficient manner and frustration surrounds him.

More or less hunger: When you are stressed, either you start eating more or less, hunger does not calm down even after eating more due to stress, or vice versa, many people have no desire to eat. is.


Before knowing the Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety, understand what are the:

reasons for this cause of Anxiety

The factors given below are believed to be the cause of this disease.

  • Heredity- A disease like anxiety progresses from generation to generation. It has often been observed that if parents suffer from this disease, then children also fall prey to it.

  • Hormonal Imbalance - An imbalance of serotonin and dopamine hormones causes anxiety.

  • Types of Personality - Certain types of personality are more prone to worry. For example, people who have low self-esteem and are unable to coordinate with problems.

  • Social Factors - People who are exposed to abuse, violence, and poverty suffer from these types of disorders.

  • Medical conditions - Some medical conditions are also responsible for this. Including endocrine and cardiopulmonary disorders.

  • Some people consume drugs and steroids, which can also cause anxiety and stress. Even after stopping their consumption, a person may suffer from anxiety and stress. Although Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety is possible. Which is also very easy.

Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety is possible. By following below, the given procedures you can get rid of this disease to a great extent. Let us know about them.


Shirodhara word comes from Sanskrit. In which 'Shiro' means head and 'Dhara' means flow. It is traditional Ayurvedic body therapy. In which a steady stream of hot oil is continuously applied to the forehead, to calm the nervous system.

According to Ayurvedic teaching, the gentle but continuous use of oil stimulates healthy blood circulation of the brain and pituitary gland. Also, certain herbs used in it provide relief from symptoms of anxiety, migraine, insomnia, and other nervous system diseases.

Shirodhara mainly affects the manomaya thesaurus. (Our body is divided into five shells). It is designed to relax the mind and body from head to toe. Also, it gives our nervous system a chance to repair itself. Studies show that Shirodhara brings peace, peace, and comfort, just as meditation does. If you want to get Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety, then you can adopt this remedy. It is an effective and easy way to relieve anxiety.

Sama Vruti Pranayam

is a good breathing technique for Sama Vruti beginners, which you can do anytime. By doing this, both our body and mind come in a rhythm, due to which stress and depression decrease. According to studies, yoga-related yoga practice is effective in calming the autonomic nervous system to a great extent. These decrease the level of stress hormone. Which makes one feel at peace.

To do this, sit in a cross-leg position, keep your waist straight. Close your eyes and focus on your natural respiratory process. Now take the breath while counting to four and release the breath while counting to four. Match the breathing and exhalation process. You can increase the count with practice. But match the breathing and exhalation process. By doing this your body and mind will relax and reduce stress and anxiety. It is also an Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety.

Organize an Eating Schedule

It is said that "Breakfast is the Spiritual meal, Lunch is the joyful meal, Dinner is the gentle meal",

imagine that your digestive system is like a burning stove and it can burn and function properly. He needs heat, which he gets by eating only healthy food, but not at the time. We all know that our brain and gut are psychologically connected. So eating after a certain interval is an easy way to manage anxiety. Also, healthy food keeps the mood good and reduces the feeling of anxiety. Therefore, fix the time of day to eat.

  • Set breakfast time between 7-9. At this time, eat some hot, less spicy, and easily digested diet.

  • Make the biggest smile of the day i.e. lunch between 11-1 pm the day. Digestive fire (Jathragni) is the fastest and fastest during this time.

  • Eat light, small amounts of food for dinner. Keep its time between 6-8 so that the metabolic function can work well.


To reduceworry Shashancasn, Tadasana, Mtsyasn, Bhujangasana youcan practiceand Shavasana. Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety can be treated with the help of these yoga asanas. This technique should be done in the order given below.

  • Shavasana first

  • followed by Deep Relaxation Technique

  • followed by Meditation

  • followed by Pranayama

  • FinallyAsana

Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety and Herbal

Centella Asiatica (Gotu Cola)

This herb is used in many types of neurological disorders. . It has been used in Ayurveda for the treatment of depression and anxiety for years. It is effective in reducing anxiety in many studies.


Many herbs are used as a nerve tonic as a traditional medicine in India. Brahmi is quite prevalent among these herbs. This is known as a memory-booster. This herb has been used by Ayurvedic professionals for 3000 years. The traditional use of Brahmi is that it is an anti-anxiety remedy. It is used in many types of brain disorders.

Ashwagandha is

also considered an important herb under Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for over 3000 years. Both preclinical and clinical studies for anxiety, inflammation, Parkinson's disease, cognitive and neurological disorders use ashwagandha Explains. It is also used clinically in nervous exhaustion, insomnia, anxiety, stress, etc. due to stress.


it acts as a brain tonic. It improves memory and brain function. It also prevents cell damage due to its antioxidant properties. It is claimed that it cures anxiety and insomnia by calming the mind. This herb is found in the Himalayas.

How effective is the use of Ayurvedic medicine in treating anxiety?

Several clinical studies have found that the use of Ayurvedic medicines is effective in anxiety, stress, and depression. But do not use any medicine without consulting the Ayurvedic doctor.

Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety and its side effects

Herbs and medicines used during the Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety may also have some side effects. Not every herb is safe, so it is very important to consult a doctor before using Ayurvedic treatment for any health condition. Especially pregnant women, children, and the elderly need to be very cautious in its use.

What lifestyle changes should be made while doing ayurvedic treatment for anxiety?

Any medicine or procedure is effective only then. When you make some important lifestyle changes with him. While doing Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety, you should take care of some special things, which are the following.

Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety: what to do?

  • Take special care of food. Diet includes avocado, salmon, olive oil, coconut, and milk. Along with this, eat zucchini, rice, red grapes, watermelon, muskmelon, and plums.

  • Physical activities and walk.

  • Read good books and listen to your favorite music. It has been claimed in many types of research that music helps in reducing anxiety and stress.

  • Visit religious places like temples, mosques. Going here brings peace of mind and reduces anxiety.

  • Talk to your close friends and tell them what you want to say. Friends can help reduce stress.

What not to do in anxiety?

  • Stay away from coffee, tea, cold drinks, alcohol. If you are not able to do this, then consume them in very small amounts.

  • Do not eat heavy food while sleeping at night.

  • Do not fall under stressful situations.

  • Do not get in touch with people who have negative thoughts.

  • Avoid overthinking anything.

  • Do not worry about the future or things that you do not control.

Home remedies to remove anxiety anxiety

You can adapt some of the home remedies given below to alleviate.

  • A beautiful plant in the room or picture depicting natural beauty can reduce your anxiety and stress. It can improve mood as well as lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate as well as reduce stress hormones.

  • Gardening also reduces stress and anxiety. With this, a little exercise is also done in it. If you cannot do gardening at home, then spend some time going to the garden. This will also remove your anxiety.

  • Oil massage is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. The therapist puts pressure on your muscles and soft tissues, rubbing them. Due to which the body and mind are relaxed.

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