how is hiv transmitted from mother to child during breastfeeding

how is hiv transmitted from mother to child during breastfeeding

Hello friends, how are you all, today I will tell you how AIDS is and how it spreads, friends, it is a very serious disease and it is HIV disease which completely kills our body, due to which such a time comes. Is when we have to face death and so today I will tell you in this post how AIDS spreads and after that, we will be able to take care of our body completely and stay away from wrong things. Due to which we will not have to face these diseases and our body will be healthy forever, so let us start.

What is AIDS? And how it spreads.  
Spreads on having sex with unknown people. 
Of many types of used needles on Sharing.
During pregnancy or during breastfeeding. 
Infection of HIV people. 
Symptoms of AIDS.

What is AIDS? And how it spreads

friends AIDS is a form of HIV disease when it comes to the biggest disease in the world is this transition come in contact with which the person enters their body to place cut off from anywhere in your body and this infection Through the blood, it goes slowly throughout the body and after it spreads in your body, the cells of your body slowly start to dissipate and weaken the immune system of your body due to which the immune system in your body is it decreases. 

causing your body after some time which is weak to fight the disease caused after a few days, your body becomes completely overwhelmed if your body time If you do not get treatment before and do not check and consult the right doctor, then you may die in a few days or in the coming time because it is a very serious disease and we should avoid it. 

Spreads on having sex with unknown people

Friends many times it happens that we meet many such unknown people in our lives and due to which we are attracted to them and after some time we are immediately filled with lust with them due to which we form a physical relationship with them. And this thing is very wrong, friends, you have to always keep in mind that no matter who you are, you do not have to take any wrong step with someone you know, because of which you will have to repent in your future because of friends. Many times it happens that we make many and many partners in our lives. 

Due to which we establish sexual relations with them with different partners, due to which this step also becomes the cause of infection and we get this It is not known for some time that whenever we start showing signs of HIV infection, only then we come to know that we have been suffering from this infection and always remember one thing in life, you should always have physical relations towards your spouse. You have to make and believe that even if you have a physical relationship with another, you will always have a good company. Condoms should be used while making a physical relationship, always keep this in mind, due to which you keep these things in the coming time, then you will not have any kind of infection.

Of many types of used needles on sharing

Friends, do you know when we get sick then we give injections and then those needles? It is very dangerous and we do not know if those needles have been used before or if those things have been used before and later you use those things then you will get HIV infection. There can be a danger because there are many types of people who needles have shared the use due to which they have later become infected with HIV so friends' cleanliness is very important. 

Always keep one thing in mind when Even if you are sick and you need anything, always use clean and new things and do not use anything already used because there are many types of infections. Due to which we have HIV infection or other infection due to which we have to suffer the consequences of this and many kinds of problems arise even if we are not treated at the right time, then always keep this thing in mind. Anything related to the hospital should always use the new thing that threatens away from us.

During pregnancy or during breastfeeding

Friends, if you are reading this post, then you should always keep in mind that when you get married when you are in pregnancy after some time of marriage, then you should get your body checked that you There is also no type of infection if you have HIV infection and you are moving during pregnancy and if you produce a child, then you will also have HIV infection in your children, due to which there will be danger in their life also. Always keep this in mind. 

Even if you are infected with HIV and you breastfeed your baby, even when your child will get HIV infection, so one thing you always have to keep in mind if you are infected with HIV and you have a pregnancy, First of all, you will have to treat this HIV infection if you get this disease treated, due to which the risk of this disease in your child is reduced, you should take full care of it so that in the future of your child. Or there should be no threat to his life if the. 

Infection of HIV people 

Friends, nowadays this is going on first in our country and all over the world and we also celebrate AIDS Day and it is very important to keep cleanliness, so always keep cleanliness towards your body because friends many times in our lives we Similar to many people, we do not know which people are suffering from which disease, due to which we sit with them in our daily lives but we do not care about which person is infected and who is not but You have to keep clean in all ways. 

Always in your daily life and like washing your hands from time to time and do not eat any unhealthy person's dog and if you feel that this person is very sick then Do not deal with sitting and eating things with each other and if you are also infected with any disease, then you should always stay away from people and get your treatment done by a good doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, to avoid these diseases, always remember one thing in life that is small- Remember the small things because if you ignore these things, your future may be in danger, so these small things are very important.

Symptoms of AIDS

Friends, we do not know when we get HIV infection but gradually after some time, we start to see its symptoms if we recognize these Lakshmana and before we have a good doctor If we get treatment, then we can change with the same dangerous disease, but if you have been infected with HIV and its symptoms are also slowly starting to show you and you take it in mild disease.

You think that you are fine You will get it and due to which you are not able to treat it at the right time, then you will get this disease very much, due to which it will be very difficult to treat it and you will have to face many difficulties to prevent this disease, so better than this that if it signs symptoms I'm telling you people know its symptoms may begin in your body immediately and get treated the body at the right time it signs some follows. 

To gradually weigh on aids Will happen.  

You will start sweating at night.  

You will feel a weakness. 

You will start getting a fever.

Whiten your jib and mouth spots  And abnormal wounds will start happening.

You will feel tired.

Bumps on the skin or  Rash.

Friends, if according to my own experience, you have to avoid these diseases for a lifetime, then only a few things have to be kept in mind, such as taking care of your body and cleanliness towards your body and doing exercise and yoga. If not every day, you can also do work and do some exercise for the body, so that your body will remain strong and stay away from those people who are suffering from diseases. People say that the love of eating dogs increases but I say that eating shoes  To get diseases, you should not eat any kind of food and eat any kind of thing. 

If you face any such disease in the future before you start experiencing symptoms, one thing in life always keep in mind that any Symptoms will start showing before your illness, but you just have to keep in mind that as soon as you feel that there is any kind of movement on your body or your body is not normal then ask you should immediately doctor. Consultation should be done and if there is any danger, then you should treat your body immediately, then.


 friends, I hope that you are always healthy, there is no disease of any kind and you will be happy throughout your life if you liked this post. So you can also follow us through social media so that our upcoming post reaches you first thanks. 



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