Follow these diet tips to stay healthy according to Ayurveda

Follow these diet tips to stay healthy according to Ayurveda

In the olden days, people did not eat junk food and fast food. The food was also eaten fresh and hot. Their food consisted of fresh fruits and vegetables and that is why they were healthy. Not only this, they used to get sick less than the people of today. If you also want to be completely healthy, then an Ayurvedic diet plan should be followed. Its purpose is not just to lose weight, but to take care of your overall health.

What is the Ayurvedic Diet Plan?

The Ayurvedic Diet Plan is an eating plan, which describes what to eat when to eat, how to eat. So you remain solid and avoid illnesses.  Ayurvedic diet is different from other diet plans, as it takes care of your overall health rather than just focusing on losing weight. For example, do not do any other work while eating and eat with a happy heart, which is called Mindful Eating. If you follow the Ayurvedic diet in the right way, then you will be completely healthy and your weight will also be healthy.

The ayurvedic diet plan is based on three doshas

The ayurvedic diet plan is based on three doshas of the body, Vata, pitta, and phlegm. The diet of a person is Vata Pradhan or Pitta is determined on its basis. They are told what to eat and what they should not eat according to different defects.

The Ayurvedic diet plan includes the following things:

  • 6 types of juices or flavors to be included in every meal. Like sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent, and astringent flavored things should be in small amounts in every meal. That is this balanced diet in a way.

  • Always start the meal with a sweet thing like some sweet fruit.

  • After that eat salted cheese and then sour cheese. After that, eat spicy, astringent, and bitter flavored things.

  • Mindful in Ayurveda Eating is emphasized. This means that while eating, you should concentrate only on the food and not on anything else. That is while eating, talking, laughing, or doing any other work like mobile / TV, etc. is prohibited. The body gets the full benefit of food from it.

  • Never eat food in a hurry. Chew it comfortably and eat it, so that you get its full flavor.

  • Always eat food hot and fresh. Chew food should be eaten comfortably, but do not eat it too comfortably so that the food cools down completely.

  • Not every person has the same body, so their food needs are also different. Everyone should eat according to their hunger and stop eating as soon as they feel full of stomach, this can prevent overwriting.

  • Take the next meal only when the previously served food is digested well. According to the guidelines of the Ayurvedic Diet, once a meal should be eaten again after at least three hours, but do not stay without food for 6 consecutive hours.

  • In the Ayurvedic diet, breakfast and lunch are given more attention. Ayurveda experts recommend a good breakfast and a meal that provides satisfaction in the afternoon. Whether or not to eat dinner depends on the person's level of hunger.

  • Drink plenty of water, as it helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the body.

Benefits of

Ayurvedic Diet Plan Ayurvedic Diet Plan can have the following advantages.

Focus on rich foods

Many Ayurvedic practitioners recommend their students to eat only local things. Some people may find this advice strange, but it aims to keep students healthy. Local foods are unprocessed and pure, eating more means that the person will stay away from processed food.

In Mindful Eating

Ayurveda, food is associated with both mind and body. Mindfulness is to understand the signs of your body while focusing on its taste while eating. That is, eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full.

Weight loss can occur

as the ayurvedic diet focuses on the entire diet, which makes it possible to lose weight. However, much research has not been done in this regard. According to a study done on 200 people, individuals with phlegm and bile defects followed an Ayurvedic diet for 3 months and lost weight significantly. Obviously, when you stay away from junk / fast food and fried things and eat according to hunger, then there is no excess fat in the body.

Challenges of

Ayurvedic Diet Plan Ayurvedic diet plan is good for the body, but in practice, it is a bit difficult to follow:


Ayurvedic diet plans can make you a little confused and find it a bit difficult to follow. There is not only a separate list of foods for each dosha but also additional rules. For example, the list of food and non-food items varies according to the season throughout the year. Also, there is a rule of when, how much, and how often to eat. Which for first-time dieters can be very challenging.


too many bans

According to doshas, ​​the list of food items is prepared in Ayurveda, what to eat, and whatnot. You cannot even replace the things given in the list with anyone, so people do not like this restriction or it becomes difficult for them to follow it for a long time.

People are following the Ayurvedic diet plan in many places in the world for complete health, just it requires a lot of patience and continuity. It can be difficult for foodie people to adopt these diet tips because the list of food items prepared according to the defect in it is to be adopted and change is not possible. So if you want to keep yourself physically and mentally fit by compromising your taste and eating habits, then you can adopt an Ayurvedic diet.

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