After 18 years, every woman should undergo these 8 physical examinations

After 18 years, every woman should undergo these 8 physical examinations

Physical examination or body check-up was given 40 years of advice to get after age and we all used to do this, but my age is not 40 years and it also required me to undergo a physical examination. I have a problem with PCOS, for which I keep in touch with the doctor, as well as getting body checkups done by him. ” That is to say, 29-year-old Natasha Shah (name changed).

Actually, if we are understanding some new things in the life and changing lifestyle of this race, then there is something left behind as well, which is sure to affect our health as well. Therefore, to keep fit, physical examination should be done from time to time. Physical examination should be conducted for both men and women. Today, in this article, you will know which body checkup should women undergo?

What physical examination should women undergo? (Body checkup for female)

First of all, you are a woman of age, even If you are healthy, you must do a body checkup. There is no problem with a physical examination, only you have to take some time out of your busy schedule. If you or any of your close friends are under 18 years of age and they feel a physical problem, then do not hide it but get treatment. On the other hand, if you are 18 years or more and up to 39 years, then do the following body checkups. Such as: 

Physical check 1: Blood pressure checkup

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. If you Have Blood pressure ( 120 / 80mm Hg a problem of Highmore than) or Low blood pressure (Low Blood Pressure) (120 /it is the problem of at least), you should contact the doctor in this case and follow the advice the doctors gave. Not only this, if it is above 120/80 mm Hg such as 130/90 mm Hg, then in such a situation it may be better to contact the doctor as soon as possible. If the woman Diabetes(Diabetes), Heart disease, kidney Blood pressure check is still necessary even if there is a problem or any other physical problem. Therefore, if there is any such problem, then keep the blood pressure checkup as advised by the doctor. If you are fit, get it done once in 1 year.

Physical examination 2: Diabetes checkup

if a woman's blood pressure is more than 140/80 mm Hg levels Sugarget (Sugar level) Czech. If the body mass index (BMI) is more than 25, then in this case The risk of diabetes is high. The problem of diabetes can also be due to genetic reasons. You should be cautious if you have diabetic patients in blood relation. As such, there can be a risk of diabetes due to genetic factors as well as changing lifestyles and stress. If there is no sugar patient in blood relation, then a sugar test should be done once a year.

Physical checkup 3: Dental checkup The

discomfort associated with teeth starts even at a young age. Hence dental problems such as Cavity (Cavity), Pyorrhea (Piorrea), or Gum problems can also occur at an early age. Therefore, get a dental checkup done after a gap of six months or one year.

Physical check 4: Eye checkup should

be done at the same time or in two years if you feel any problem in case of vision problem. If you don't have any vision defects, once a year Do get your eyes checked.

Physical Examination 5: Breast Cancer: Breast cancer

should be checked by yourself if there is any problem related to the breast or if you are over thirty years of age. Self Breast Examination can also be done. Along with this, if you are over 40 years old Mammography can be done. If someone in the blood relation breast cancer If you are suffering from or have had such a history, then you should take more care. Many breast clinical examinations also recommend getting a doctor.

Physical examination 6: Pelvic exam and pap smear

At the age of 21, women every 3 years should undergo pelvic exams and pap smears (pap tests). With the help of this physical examination, information about cervical cancer is given. If a woman's uterus and cervix have been removed after surgery, then such women should have pap smears. Women who are sexually active should undergo Chlamydia and Gonorrhea checkups. During this time, doctors also give you information related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) and how to avoid them.

Physical examination 7: Cholesterol test:

Women in the age group of 20 to 45 years should undergo a cholesterol test. Women whose Cholesterol A problem is not. They should have a cholesterol test done once in 5 years. If any problem is understood and the doctor advises then only get a cholesterol checkup done. However, if the woman is suffering from diabetes, heart problem, kidney problem, or any other problem then her cholesterol level is necessary to take care of.

Physical Examination 8: Thyroid check

A thyroid checkup provides information on Hypothyroidism and Hypothyroidism. This test should be done once a year. According to a report, thyroid disorder is seen more in women than men. The report also states that the risk of hypothyroidism is higher in women over 35 years of age.

Be cautious about your health. Take special care of your diet. to stay fit nutrition Along with(Healthy diet)- workouts Women should also do. If for some reason you are not able to work out, then Walking or Do Swimming. A nutritious diet and workouts can balance weight. According to health experts, the risk of any disease can be averted by keeping the body weight balanced. Along with this, it is also easier to fight against any disease with a regular physical examination. Therefore, understand the need for a body checkup mentioned above and get it done from time to time.

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